
WOD - 05/03/10

Mobility: DeFranco's Agile 8 & Shoulder Prep.

Weakness: 8 Minutes
Sarah: dips
Katie: dips
ODB: double-unders
Greg: HSPU
Ryan: HSPU
Nick: hamstring mobility/stretching/rolling

A. Power Clean + Front Squat + Push Press; medium-heavy single in 10 minutes
B1. Kettlebell Swing (70/53) - 25 unbroken; 3 sets; rest 30 sec
B2. Ring Push-ups - amrap(-1); 3 sets; rest 90 sec
C. SLER @ 3030; 12 reps; 3 sets; rest 60 sec
D. KB/DB Sidebends - 20 reps; 2 sets; rest 60 sec

Tomorrow will be our last moderately difficult workout, the remainder of the week will be tapering with soft tissue work, mobility, stretching, etc...

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