There is no such thing as tough. There is trained and untrained. Now which are you?
WOD - 03/04/10
Skill: Weakness: 5-7 minutes
Strength: DB Bulgarian Split Squats (no jump): 5x4/leg (add weight each set as needed)
Metcon: 3 Rounds: Run 1 Long Lap 10 DB Deadlift (40% BW each) 15 Box Jumps (24/20")
DB Deadlifts
Finisher: Mandatory Stretch / Foam Roll / PNF
Choose a weakness and work on it diligently; no jumping on the BSS, add weight as needed; rest appropriately between BSS and metcon; post-wod stretch is mandatory - this shit is serious, many of you are horridly inflexible (obviously not Eric or Jess) and it must addressed immediately
Becoming The Bull is a blog dedicated to intelligent discussion regarding Olympic weightlifting, general fitness training, mobility, nutrition, technique, mentality, and an assortment of other generally awesome things. Did I mention Olympic weightlifting?
Olympic Lifting Class
**Upcoming Saturday Olympic weightlifting classes are currently postponed until further notice.**