
WOD - 03/17/10

Mobility: DeFranco's Agile 8.

Pull-up: 3-3-3-3, straight sets, 80% of 1RM

6 x Sprint to Kirby, walk back; rest as needed

Rest 2 minutes

4 x Sprint to First, lightly jog/walk back; rest as needed

Rest 3 minutes

2 x Sprint to First and Back; rest as needed

**Last Thursday, the track was open during the evening. If possible, we will certainly try to do varying distances on the track. Otherwise, use the distances outlined above.**

3x12 Back Extensions @ 4020; rest 60 seconds

The sprints are designed for maximal power output so get plenty of rest between each; for first set sprint to Kirby NOT back; for second set sprint to First NOT back; for last set sprint to First and back; finish with tempo back extensions

1 comment:

  1. And free yoga with me starting at 8 p.m. -- stay just 15-20 minutes if you'd like!
