Strength: Turkish Get-up: 2-2-2-2, working up to medium double on each arm; rest 90 seconds between sets
Metcon: 4 Rounds (not for time): Row 300m 10 Toes To Bar
Finisher: Long Stretch / Foam Roll / Lacrosse Ball
Rollover sprints can be done in the gym, sprint distance is short - focus more on quickly rolling to your anterior side and accelerating fast into the sprint, rest as needed between efforts; metcon is NOT for time, but that doesn't mean half-ass it
I seriously hope I'm there for everyone's sprints. Either we eat it when we roll over or we'll not look up in time to realize we're gonna run into a wall. Someone get the video camera ready.
Becoming The Bull is a blog dedicated to intelligent discussion regarding Olympic weightlifting, general fitness training, mobility, nutrition, technique, mentality, and an assortment of other generally awesome things. Did I mention Olympic weightlifting?
Olympic Lifting Class
**Upcoming Saturday Olympic weightlifting classes are currently postponed until further notice.**
What are the odds that I will somehow break my face trying to do these roll over and run thingies?
ReplyDeleteI seriously hope I'm there for everyone's sprints. Either we eat it when we roll over or we'll not look up in time to realize we're gonna run into a wall. Someone get the video camera ready.