A. DB External Rotation @ 4031; 4 sets; 10 reps/arm; rest 90 sec
B. 1 1/4 Squat @ 45% of 1RM back squat; 6 reps; 4 sets; rest 90 sec
C. Power Clean - work up to heavy single in 12 minutes; rest 240 sec
D. Short Lap Sprint x 3; resting 120 sec between each
1) Start with your weaker arm
2) Stretch your lats and pecs between sets
3) Follow rep tempo strictly - if you can't, then reduce the weight
I will go over the 1 1/4 squats with everyone; quickly work up to heavy PC; sprints are all-out effort - NO PACING
And then yoga with Aly at 8 p.m.