
WOD - 04/09/10

Mobility: DeFranco's Agile 8.

Weakness: as much time as you like

Finisher 1:
4 Rounds, rest as needed between each
Jog 1 lap
7 Push-ups
10 Squats

Finisher 2:
Long stretch / Foam Roll / Lacrosse Ball

No time to get strong before Sunday - just work on technique and skills that need to be developed; feel free to adjust Finisher 1 as you please i.e. if you feel like throwing some light snatches into it or box jumps or any movement you want to practice, that's fine; stay loose on Saturday, get plenty of sleep, see you all Sunday morning...

1 comment:

  1. Be sure to have an idea of what your opener will be for Event 2 on Sunday. Now is the time to start thinking about that...
