There is no such thing as tough. There is trained and untrained. Now which are you?
WOD - 01/21/10
Skill: Rowing Technique: 5 Minutes
Strength: Snatch Balance: 4x3 @ 50% of snatch
Metcon: Row 500m, then 12-9-6 of KBS (53/44) Burpees (unbroken) Rest 3 minutes, repeat
Snatch balances are light for a reason: focus on form - drop hips fast, press body under the bar hard, stay tight at the bottom, shoulders up and back locked out; in metcon burpees must be performed without stopping or resting, it can be done by all of you - you just need to force yourself to do it.
Becoming The Bull is a blog dedicated to intelligent discussion regarding Olympic weightlifting, general fitness training, mobility, nutrition, technique, mentality, and an assortment of other generally awesome things. Did I mention Olympic weightlifting?
Olympic Lifting Class
**Upcoming Saturday Olympic weightlifting classes are currently postponed until further notice.**